How I Spent My Summer Winter Holidays

From time-to-time people call to ask how we’re doing (perhaps curious as to whether we’ve succumbed to Covid) so here’s a Mazatlán update.

We are fine (and hope you are too).

We’ve been taking precautions but aren’t hermits. We recently went to a bar in Centro, about a five-minute walk from our house. As you can see, the tables are about 8 feet from each other so we feel comfortable with the occasional outing.

Fabula sidewalk service

When we left the safety of Calgary months ago for the perils of Mexico, well-meaning friends thought we were reckless. Currently our state (Sinaloa) is reporting a 13% occupancy in ICU. One of the gringo-oriented hospitals in Maz had set up a dedicated covid ICU ward but, due to a lack of demand, has turned it back into a regular ward.

Given all the talk of new variants in Canada and possible shortages in ICU, I’m sure everyone thinks we’re foolhardy returning to Calgary (May 15). It may be reckless but it will be nice to see our Canadian friends – assuming it’s permitted.

On other fronts:

Iggy, our resident iguana for a number of years, comes and goes without notice to us; sometimes we don’t see him for weeks on end. More recently he’s occupied his old residence—a cavity clawed into the mortar of our neighbour’s stone wall.

Some describe iguanas as laid back but, being more judgemental, I’ve always characterized them as lacking ambition. Iggy is no exception—as the cool dawn air warms, he sticks his nose out and then meanders to the glazed downspout in our terrace. A crossing of 2.65 meters—104 inches—that’s it. Mind you, he retires to his cave each evening, so that’s a total of 208 inches—hardly worth investing in a fitbit.

104 inch journey

Just so you understand, this daily odyssey is not done in one push. He emerges, progresses a foot or so, stops, savours the vistas, reflects for half an hour as if contemplating an alternative pilgrimage, weighs the pros and cons, and then invariably lodges in our downspout. All this is done with the objective of reversing the process as each day draws to a close.

It’s a metaphor for what the rest of the world is doing—staying in a lot—not venturing far afield.

Iggy nearly at the downspout

On a related matter, we were faced with two iguanas on our terrace recently—one having a long pointed tail and Iggy, identified by the tip missing. Not wanting to scare the visitor off, we gave them some privacy only to discover, from the juxtaposition of their bodies, Iggy wasn’t social distancing. After due consideration we realized some of our assumptions were misguided.

Personal Pronouns 2SLGBTQQIA+

Gender pronoun issues—while in the news recently, have not played much of a role in our world until now. We’re having trouble transitioning from he to she when referring to Iggy but we’re making headway on that front each time we see HER.

That’s all the news from Maz for this week.


P.S. the title has “Holidays” but when we are in Maz we aren’t on holidays any more than when we are in Calgary. They’re both our homes.

7 comments on “MAZ MISCELLANY

  • Here in Alberta we now have the highest number of infections per 100k pretty much anywhere in North America. You should definitely tear a page from Iggy’s book and hide out in Maz.

  • We are currently visiting with Bill’s sister who picked us up on the side of the road after 3 hours there in the sun. They towed our car away after Bill hit a rock in the road near Donner Pass and it was all downhill from there. A big surprise from mask-wearing Mexico to “don’t bother we are doomed anyway” Arizona. Good fearing Navada didn’t need masks-we took the lonliest highway in America and never saw anyone. But now, we are in God forsaken California. The roses are blooming. Stay in Mexico!

  • Happy to hear all is well with you … and Iggy.
    At the moment, I would say you are much safer in Maz than you would be in Calgary. Our advice is stay put where you are, and don’t be reckless by returning to Calgary.
    Clearly, Iggy needs more exercise to stay fit. Perhaps you could put a harness on her, keep socially distant, and take her for a daily run. Just thinking …

  • Perhaps you will find out -for sure- the gender of Iggy when you come back to your Maz home inhabited with many Baby Iggies 🦎

  • Great story about Iggy and how she is similar to us. Actually, my skin does feel a little dry. Fantastic photography. Glad to have been part of your holidays.

  • Being on holidays is a misnomer for both you and Iggy.
    Not because you both consider Maz your home, but because you cant take a holiday from being on holidays.

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